5 Tips For Training With a Weighted Vest

While working with many athletes of different skill levels, I often get asked how to get more out every training session. Professional athletes use low oxygen environments and relocate to hotter or cooler climates in preparation for a competitive event.

But for the average Joe that’s not really going to be an option.

However, there are some simple tools you can use to get your body to work harder on a walk, run or hike. And one such device is a weighted vest.

While yes it may look a bit funny, it’s actually very beneficial. Many people have started adding weighted gear to their workouts, as it definitely helps you to reach your goals faster and even more effectively.

If you’re ready to enhance your workout and get more from it, the following 5 tips will help you to be able to train better than ever before with a weighted vest.  Don’t worry; it’s not as hard as it seems.

Our Top 5 Training tips

Are You Preparing For A Marathon That Will Require You To Run Up Hill?

While the thought of running a marathon is probably already a daunting task for you, the idea of having to run up hill can seem to be even more impossible. This is where using a weighted vest can do a lot of good for you.

You’re going to want to find one that hugs your body (without being too tight), so that it won’t bounce as you run. You also need to be sure that while it hugs your body, it’s not constricting your upper body.

A good compression vest will allow you to move comfortably while still being tight enough to stay in place. Doing repeated runs up hills with the vest on can help you to be more prepared than ever for a marathon on hills.

Does Your Sport Or Activity Require Balance?

If you’re hoping to become a more stable and balanced athlete for whatever sport you may play, using a weighted vest can go far in helping you to do just that.

Use one that allows you to build up the weight amount, so that you can use it for your squats, deadlifts, or any type of strength training that you may be doing.

As you increase the weight as you go, you can get even better results from your workout. Even if you don’t actually  play a specific sport, practicing better balance and stability is good for any kind of exercise.

When Doing A HIIT Workout, Build Up To Using The Vest

You aren’t going to want to immediately start using the vest as soon as you get on the floor to workout. It can be a shock to your body and can also be challenging to do.

Before you start your squats and pushups, etc., make sure that you start your workout with a warmup, sans weighted vest. This will help to get your body for your workout and also make it easier to build up to using it.

Consider Using It For Almost Anything That You May Be Doing

Whether you’re a football player, a runner, or simply someone at the gym, consider donning the vest for any of your activities. Because the use of a weighted vest can help you to grow stronger, it’s ideal to use for any kind of activity that you may be doing.

Just make sure that you don’t put too much weight on your vest for activities that are high cardio. You can keep it simple for running, the elliptical, walking, or spinning.

Know when to stop.

The biggest problem with weighted vests is that people push through using them when they are causing pain or discomfort. While you can expect some minor discomfort while using a weighted vest, if you feel that it’s affecting your workout in a negative way or finding it hard to breathe, consider one of two things: lighten the vest if you’re using weights that are too heavy for it or go ahead and finish your workout without it, if you feel like you just can’t take anymore. Don’t worry; no one will judge you. Listen to your body.



There are many benefits to be gained by working out with a weighted vest. The rule of thumb to working out with one is not to overdo it. It is important to start off slowly and make your way up to more weight. It’s also wise to avoid injuring yourself due to improper use.

It’s especially helpful to use these types of vests during weight routines but you can always use them for building speed and agility for sports and exercise. If you want to make sure that you’re getting the right kind for you, look into weighted vests that are designed for your specific activity (find more info here).

Most of all, pay attention to your needs. Just because someone else is training with heavy weight doesn’t meant that it’s the best for you and your body. If in doubt, talk to your trainer about what you may need when it comes to a weighted vest.

Hi there, I’m Kate Young and I’m a fitness coach from California, but I now live in Austin. I have been involved in so many different sports over the years, including swimming, running, athletics, gymnastics, rugby (yeas, you read that right), baseball, tennis, and so many more that I have lost count.

I just love competing in sports, but struggled to find the one that I would stick with. So, instead I decided to become a fitness coach as it allows me to work with so many different types of athletes.

I’ve also become heavily involved it diet. The reason for this is that I’ve seen too many athletes fail in their fitness goals because their diet didn’t support it. And I’ve seen just as many people fail in their diets, because their fitness activities weren’t effective.

A lot of my work has involved working up with college tennis teams where I have tailored some endurance type fitness programs. Tennis coaches are great at teaching techniques, but a lot of them struggle with general fitness levels.

And that’s where I come in. On this site I contribute to anything tennis, fitness and diet related, which will help you get to your goals quicker and with more ease. And if you have some very specific questions then why not reach out on one of the social media channels where all of us are very active.

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